List of Christian Publishers

Here is a short list of Christian publishers and a link to their websites and submission guidelines (when available).  I hope to be adding to this soon.

I have broken these up into two main categories: Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts and Not Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts.  Since many publishers do not accept unsolicited proposals or manuscripts, please read my article “Submitting to Christian Publishers” for different ways to submit manuscripts to these publishers.

Also, the same Christian publisher may be listed in both groups if they are accepting for one genre, but not for others (e.g.  Zondervan) .

(Please notify me of any broken links. Also, if their submission form asks how you found who you were referred by, please mention my blog.)

Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts:

New to the list:

Castle Gate Press


5 Fold Media

Bob Jones University Press

CLADACH Publishing

Creation House – (Co-Publishers: a hybrid of traditional and self-publishing)

Destiny Image

Kirkdale Press

Meriwether Publishing (Theatre related books and plays)

Rainbow Publishers

Signalman Publishing, and their guidelines:

Sweetwater Still Publishing Company and their publishing guidelines

Fiction Only:

Castle Gate Press

Moody Publishers*

Nonfiction Only:

Abingdon Press

Augsburg Fortress

Beacon Hill Press

Brazos Press

College Press Publishing

CrossLink Publishing  (Submission Form)

Group Publishers

Health Communications

Judson Press

Ponder Publishing (combination traditional/self-publishing) in Canada


Short Stories:



Christianity Today

Children’s Ministry Magazine (Scroll down the page)

Focus on the Family: Thriving Family
Focus on the Family: Clubhouse Magazine writer’s guidelines
Focus on the Family: Clubhouse Jr. Magazine writer’s guidelines

Group Publishers



Only able to submit via literary agents,  Christian Manuscript Submissions or Writer’s Edge manuscript service:


Baker Books

Barbour Publishing

Bethany House (via Baker)

B&H Publishing Group

Charisma House (Several Imprints)

Focus on the Family


Harrison House Publishers

Harvest House Publishers

Kregel Publications

NavPress (via Tyndale)

Random House

Thomas Nelson


WaterBrook Press

Zondervan (published through HarperCollins)

Fiction Only:

Abingdon Press

Zondervan (via HarperCollins)

Nonfiction Only:

Cook Communications

Discovery House Publishers

Moody Publishers*


  1. […] List of Christian Publishers Posted by: baddogmooney | September 2, 2008 […]

    • Brazos Press is a broken link.

      • I fixed it and moved them to only accepting unsolicited non-fiction. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Interested in publishing memoirs of life on the foreign mission field — a solo flight in single-engine Stinson from Chicago to Bolivia; flying missionaries to remote areas to find nomadic tribes; ministering to savages in the jungle. Tells also about 5 men martyred in the jungles. Covers about 20 years in foreign missionary service, bringing the Gospel to the unreached.

    • Please visit my website

    • I am interested in translating and publishing your book in India languages viz. Marathi, Hindi, Gujarathi etc. Kindly advise : Rev. Dr. C.S.Kale, Chairman ( Bombay Tract & Book Society; estd in 1828) in India (email: Cell: +91-9833408433)

      • can you translate from Spanish

        Thank you
        Sam Rapp

    • Hi Mel Wyma,
      My name is Isaac, I have just my book ” Whispers of a Missionary”, it’s about true stories from the mission files in Africa, please I want to know more details about how you will publish my book, thanks

    • Contact us at to discuss your book.

  3. I am a new writer and I would like to see what kind of format that your company requires. Thank you, Carolyn martinez

    • Hi Carolyn,

      I am also an aspiring author, not a publisher, and do not accept manuscripts. This site is just a resource site that I am running where you can find information on writing and getting published. Clicking on any of the above links will take you to that publisher’s submission guidelines.

      Thank and good luck!

      – chris mooney

      • Chris,
        Thank you so much for doing this for us, and may God bless ALL your efforts. In His name, Jacqueline

  4. I work for a publishing company in Canada, Ponder Publishing, and I know that we are taking submissions as well.

    • Thank you, I have added your company to the list under: Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts: Nonfiction Only.


    • I have an inspirational verse that I would like to get published in Christian bookstores.

      Where do I begin?

      • I am writing a christian book ,entitled “The Great Outcry For The True Gospel” ,and I am searching out for a printing press which can be interested in printing the book

        As the title of the book suggests , the book is all about awakening to the true gospel , a divinely inspired revival call world wide to the true gospel of salvation in this era of the new which is by faith in Christ Jesus , alongside key virtues as faith , love , grace. The gospel of today has been so ravaged by heartless pimps , doctors and professors of junk so to say like creflo dollar , kenneth copeland , thompson leroy , t j .jakes , and many more who have set aside the truth , and for reason of greed and ego are teaching the people damnable prosperity doctrines , why pathetically they are only escorting from the people to enrich themselves.The great outcry seeks to redress issues such as tithes , sowing of seeds , the body and blood of Christ , giving in this new era , salvation through Christ alone etc.
        The great outcry also seeks to reveal to the world the deplorable state the church and body of Christ is in today as God has showing me in dreams and visions the evil atrocities supposed men of God are carrying out in the name of God today in the churches worldwide , Europe and America most especially

        It seeks also to tell the church of God the message God has for it today .

        Anyone interested can write me on , i will honestly appreciate worthy advice .

    • Thanks, Cindy

    • Are you interested in Children’s Christian Books?

      • Yes I am! I have written a children’s book which is about the nativity of Our Lord. I is a picture book and I would love to have someone read it but I do not have $3,000.00 to have it published. Whatever happened to the concept of the author getting paid instead of paying to get published?

  5. I am looking for a traditional publisher who can publish my two books. A fantasy-Fiction and another one is Christian general fiction… and hopefully turn into a movie.

    Please contact me on with any information. I will send you the manuscripts

    • Can you give a brief description about both your books. Also do let me know whether these are the only books you wrote or did any of your books got published ? if they are published are they successful ? We can only publish books of high standards. So we need your educational details which must be from top universities and the grades you acquired. So do reply as soon as possible along with your CV as covering letter.

      Ravi Prathap Varma

      • Dear Ravi,

        I wrote two books and I have recently started the sequel for my first book. None of the books are published, yet.

        Please send me an address to send you the required details.


    • You can email me the details at

      • Ravi – how arrogant and condescending to require such educational standards. Are you saying that if you did not graduate from a “top university” then you could not possible write high quality book. That is absurd. Most PhDs I know hardly qualify as experts in anything. What do your grades – from say 40 years ago – have to do with writing a high standard book? Answer is nothing. You should be looking for books with paradigm shifting ideas that seek the truth.

    • Christian Publishing Hous is a new, and we are accepting manuscripts.

  6. I also work for a Christian publishing company out of Canada, Revival Nation Publishing. So far, most of our authors are from the States. We would love for authors to submit their manuscripts on our website for publishing consideration.

    • Thank you, I have added your company to the list under: Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts: Fiction/Nonfiction.


    • Are you still accepting manuscripts? Having trouble tracking down revival nation publishing on the web… Thanks.

      • Until further notice, Revival Nation Publishing’s website is removed from my list. I have contacted them to see if the site has moved, or if they have closed, and I have not received a response.

        – mooney

  7. I’ve written quite an earthy ‘hope-of-heaven’ style fictional novel but it’s aimed at an unchurched audience so it might offend the wider Christian audience. Any ideas on publishers I should talk to?

  8. […] List of Christian Publishers […]

  9. […] The following link lists Christian publishers, both books and magazines, who accept unsolicited manuscripts. […]

  10. I am interested in finding a publisher for a devotional type manuscript I have. Who are the best people to discuss this with?

  11. I am a new Christian writer, and now seeking a publisher to contract my book. “Remembering True Love,” is a memoir about family addiction.
    I am a self-published author, and was truly inspired to write the book.
    I have received, wonderful reviews on the book. Its Christian, funny, life in Germany, miracles, and a blessing to families who live with addictions.
    I also have a poety book, coming out in January. Please, let me know if I may send a copy of my book. You may review my Bio. at: Xlibris Publishing Company. Remembering True Love, Carrie Keeton

    Thank You,


    Carrie Keeton
    Carolyn L. Keeton

    • Who or how did you get your poetry published. I have quite a few Christian poems people tell me that I should publish

      • Hi Maxine,
        I too am wanting to find a Christian publisher to publish my poems. Please may I ask, did you find any?
        Kind regards

  12. I am looking for someone who will be willing to publish a booklet done on how to choose the right translation of the bible for you and your family.

  13. Thanks for being a source of info for new writers. I have a family story for Christmas. Are there any
    particular publishing houses that are interested in
    stories of this type?

  14. I’d love to see a resource on Christian agents, or at least agents who will consider writing with a Christian worldview.

    • There is a resource for this., the 2011 Guide To Literary Agents. This is not exclusively for Agents selling Christian works, but there is a section that covers them. Here is a link to it at Amazon.

  15. I am a Christian from India . I have written a book from my real life experience – How Jesus Taught Me To Forgive & Love . 6979 People from 119 countries read the book through I am looking for a publisher

  16. I have a Children’s book that I am hoping I can get published. Do you know of any publisher’s looking for Children books?

    • Hmmm. I haven’t really looked into children’s books too much. I would recommend going to the bookstore, finding similar works to your own, and see who published them. Most companies list their guidelines on their website.
      I also would recommend looking for an agent. A short list can be found here:

      Thanks for stopping by!

      – mooney

      • Thanks so much for all your help.

      • and are both Free publishers for all types of books and Christian books. I use them myself! is an excellent place to publish your books for Kindle in a digital format. I have my book there too! It’s all free .. no costs whatsoever!

    • Hi there,

      Check out Ideals Children’s Books (Ideals Publications).

    • Debbie,
      I am also a Christian Children’s book author. Maybe we can email each other resources we’ve found?

  17. I am really appreciative of this resource you’ve put up and I will do a lot of research based on this list!

    • Awesome! Let me know if you find anything I can add to the site.

      – mooney

  18. hi, I am a primary school teacher- though wanting to publish some material- where do i start? x

  19. Hi, I have written a compiltion of letters from authentic women who lived in Old Testament times to real women of today. It is historical fiction and includes relevant topics such as: rape, incest, finding freedom in marriage without losing intimacy, forgiveness and walking by faith in impossible situations, etc. It gives hope to the down trodden and celebrates the accomplishments of women down through the ages. Where do I go from here to find a publisher? Thanks for any advice. Rita Kroon

    • Thanks for stopping by rite. I am not quite sure. I recommend going to your local book store, or even just amazon, and searching historical fiction. Look for work that is similar to what you want to do, and see who published it (since these publishers will be open to similar titles). Most publishers have their guidelines at their website. This may even reach outside of the Christian genre into mainstream publishers.

      – mooney

    • Rita,
      I’m not a publisher, but I’m very interested in your work, as mental health concerns are areas of study the original authors knew nothing about. Drop me a note if you’d like.


  20. Thanks for the tip. I am encouraged to think outside the Christian genre. I am off to the bookstore to search!

  21. I write Christian Fiction and as I was typing ‘Blueline Bible’ in to do a word study on covenant, this page came up. Now, I don’t know how, but that is why I serve God. He always knows what we stand in need of and He always encourages us. I will now proceed to find a publisher. Also looking for an agent should one read this. Blessings,

    • Awesome! Thanks for stopping by then, and I hope you find the information here useful. I made a recent post about a list of agents Michael Hyatt of Thomas Nelson put together. You should check it out.

      – mooney

      • I offer to suggest to your inquiries that they can go to and they can get their books all published for free. not needing any agent.. it’s a free self-publishing platform. I’ve got my book done there just 2 days ago. and no cost to me whatsoever. I really like them. They also get you hooked up with to do it in digital format. Also. https://smashwords does it all for free for all types of books for Christians and non-Christians.. whether it be fiction or non-fiction..

  22. This is the introduction for my book. Written to inspire young people to look to God in the midst of their dispair.
    I have not had anything published, however I am driven to write based on what I believe God to be telling me. Our time is running short and if you are focusing on what you want instead of what God wants you may miss the boat.

    Thank-you for your comments…I wait for them!!

    I wrote this book for all of the people who sit alone thinking there is no hope for where they are. Hopelessness is an ugly word and an even worse feeling. I felt hope less in grade school, and again in high school. I remember my mom saying, “high school is going to be some of the best times of your life.” At the time, the thought that things were only going to get worse made me want to throw up.
    It is a harsh time when everyone around you sees a happy person, yet the reality is you don‘t know if you can make it through another day! There is no one to talk to, your life is crumbling, and you believe there are no answers! If you could tell someone what would you say? How could you explain a feeling that you do not understand yourself?
    There are days when going to the garage, starting the car and just falling asleep sounds like the only answer. I hate to say that; yet, there were too many days when I felt this way.

    Hopelessness is like a virus. It travels through your body infecting all areas of your life. A virus you cannot detect until one day you really can’t see any reason to stay alive. How did you get there? Where did this virus come from, and most of all with whom do you turn for help?
    Understand if you feel this way, there is a place to turn.


  23. Sites like this are a blessing. I’ve written two non-fiction books (one of which is adapted from a seminar I used to give for Youth With A Mission), three novels and a collection of plays (all produced, all soul-winners). They’re all “critically acclaimed”, but publishers shy away from them. One writer friend said writers’ conferences are the best way in to the market, but I can’t afford to get to them. I’m not sure what I’m asking for here; maybe I just needed to vent. thanks for the opportunity. God bless, and write on! Oops! Almost forgot to mention: the novels DID get published, but only as ebooks on They’ve been wonderful to work with, and they make it possible to continue to market the manuscripts (without their edits) to traditional publishers.

    • Thanks Steve! Just keep putting it out there. I am working on a novel (Clarity), and have written some short stories, it’s the reason I started this site. I started compiling information on writing and publishing and knew there had to be other people out there looking for the same material. God bless!

      CR Mooney

  24. I have looked at several sites for publishing and they all want you to give them one of ‘their’ reasons that you want to get publilshed. How about there has to be a reason that over the past fifteen years I’ve been unable to drop all this stuff.
    I don’t know what catagory my stuff goes in, either. One would have to be religious fiction, I suppose but there’s another that confuses me. It is a shifted pardigm different point-of-view piece. The pov is that of the prime antagonist and the setting is episodes from the four gospels.
    Do you have any ideas? Thanks

    • thanks for stopping in Chris! I think in asking those types of questions, they are using your response as a prescreening process. Some people are great at writing a novel, but not so great at communicating their enthusiasm. In today’s publishing world, the writer does a lot of the promo work, so they need to know if you’re up to the task.

      As for which publisher is appropriate? That’s the million dollar question.

    • category suggestions for Chis would be:
      christian-fiction, christian stories, religious stories…. to name a few.

      • Hello Peggy and God bless. I am almost finished with my children’s christian book. You mentioned you published your book on createwords and smashplace. Do they offer an editing service? I am also looking promoting my book. Would you mind sharing with me how you published your book? Please email me with your info. I would greatly appreciate it.

        Thank you in advance and God bless,

  25. Good morning, at the urging of many (as well as in my spirit) I am now in search for a publisher for a short story I’ve written. It is what I would call maybe Christian fantasy?

    I have other things I’ve written and self-published and a body of work that I have not published. These things range from prose, poetry and songs to short stories and faerie tales.

    The leading to find a publisher has become urgent within me. Any help would be appreciated.

    Jennifer Swan Hopkins

  26. I have written several christian poems and people tell me I should publish them. There
    is not enough for a book but I just thought about them being published in Christian
    magazines or books. A couple have been made into songs. I”m not looking to get rich,
    just thought maybe they might inspire someone.

    Thank you for your help
    Maxine Shipps

  27. Jennifer and Maxine:
    You have similar interests in the publishing of short fiction and poetry. Unfortunately, I’m not a publisher, I’m just a guy who enjoys writing. I don’t have an answer right now though I am trying to find publications like this. Just keep checking back.

    – mooney

  28. Glad I found your site–I am a WordPress user also!

  29. Dear C.R.,

    TY for your reply – Your list as it was helped, thank you! I sent my story off to a couple of publishers.

    As an aside, I’ve also just completed a painting inspired by the story. I called it “I’ll fly away”. I love it! It is on my FaceBook page if you’d like to see it.

    Sending blessings, JSH


    Check out my blog, too: – good reading ♥

    • Awesome! and it’s just “mooney” Let me know if your stories are published anywhere, it would be the first published work (that I know of) from someone using my site!

  30. Hi,
    I find this, site very informative. I wrote a Christian fiction called The Shepherd which was published in India and released in December 2010. I am now looking for a publisher for an international market. Any idea how I can go about it.


  31. Hi Chris,
    FYI Abingdon Press and Moody Publishing don’t accept unsolicited fiction proposals. Both require that the author go through an agent or that they meet one of their editors at a writing conference. There are only a handful of publishers that are still open to unsolicited fiction mss. I’ve used Writer’s Edge Service in the past and have been contacted by publishing houses through their service. Do you or anyone here know who is open to Christian fiction btw 800 and 1,500 words in length? This site is a good resource for aspiring writers to follow.

    • I’ll look into it and adjust accordingly! Thanks for the heads up!

    • OK. I moved Abington Press, but according to Moody’s site, they do accept unsolicited fiction, but non-fiction must be through an agent, etc.

      I am looking to publish some short fiction as well and will post anything I find. If you run across anything, please let me know and I’ll add it.

  32. Hi Chris!
    My name is Rob Teem and I’m with Market Source, Inc. in Atlanta. We cater to self publishers and publishers in the like in doing short run perfect bound books. I’d like to chat with you if you have some time about what we do. We have A LOT of customers in the Christian community.

  33. Still looking for a magazine that accepts christian poetry. Have quite a few

  34. What a wonderful resource. Thank you!

  35. I, too have a finished product (for a picture book) about Christmas. Another 2 titles are on the revision stage. Tis true that for picture books, it’s best to browse through books and check out the publishers that seem compatible with your style/ideas.

    Ideals Children’s Books accepts submissions. They publish fiction/non-fiction for children ages 4 to 8. They also publish magazines.

    Candy Cane Press publishes boardbooks and novelty books for children 2 to 5 years of age.

    God bless.

  36. Btw, check out The Market List (the online resource for genre fiction writers).
    They’ve got tons of publishers (not necessarily Christian publishers).

  37. Also check out this site:

  38. Broken link: Destiny Image:

  39. The following website links are broken:

    Destiny Image
    Meriwether Publishing (Theatre related books and plays)
    Group Publishers
    Wm.B.Eerdmans – Eerdmans Style Guides for Authors

  40. Thank you Kevin and Louvenia, These have all been updated:
    Destiny Image
    Meriwether Publishing (Theatre related books and plays)
    Group Publishers

  41. I’m a Christian artist looking for publisher’s who need art. I am also interested in publishing a book of my art and why I do what I do. I have no clue what am doing and need some help! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Blessings, Donna

  42. Wish I would have found your site a long time ago. I am a senior citizen who started writing after having some health problems about eight years ago and have four books published through differeny publishers, but not through a traditional publisher. Two are trying to get people to learn the Bible (Does Your Flame Flicker?)–(Afraid to Read the Bible?)–and two are fiction but also factual stories from the Bible.–(Abishag, the Half Wife)–(The Seventy Seventh Day). But I need to know who would be best to contact for the book I am writing at present, which is based on all the angels in the Bible. It is a study book of the Bible with all contents about all the angels (Bad and good) from the Book of Genesis throught the Book of Revelation, in laymans terms, for as I taught the Bible to both children and adults and found out that people do not understand words in the Bible. This book will even contain deffinitions of words as they read and will take the student trough the Bible twice.
    Grampa Ed (Retired Author–In The Making)

    • Hi Ed, Thanks for leaving your thought. It’s awesome that you are writing about your passions and trying to pass your wisdom on to others. My advice is to find books similar to the ones you have written (devotionals, studies, historical Christian fiction) in a bookstore or online, then see who published them. Once you have a list, stop back here and click through to their submission guidelines.

      If they aren’t listed here, let me know by comment or email, and I will look it up and add them to the list here.

  43. Are you a budding writer? If so, we would like to hear from you.

    Publishing company Guinea Pig Education is currently looking for authors of children’s short stories, of any genre, for ages 5-13 years. We are also interested in hearing from teachers or writers who have prepared educational or teaching materials in any subject area, for age ranges 5-13 years, which may be suitable for publishing.

    If you think you have some suitable work and would like your work to be considered for publishing, please send a copy of your manuscript, clearly marked with your name, address and e-mail address, plus a cheque for £25.00 (as a reading fee) made payable to Guinea Pig Education. Please provide a stamped addressed envelope if you would like your work returned to you.

    All manuscripts will be carefully considered by Guinea Pig Education’s editorial team and will be returned with appropriate feedback. Successful applicants will be informed within two months of their manuscripts being received.

  44. I have just finished a Christian manuscript and am looking to get it published. I contacted Westbow Publishers, but they would only communicate over the phone when I am busy at work and not near one.
    Could you recommend a publisher for me?

    Many Thanks,

    Jim Slyk

  45. I am a Messianic believer, freelance translator and author from Madrid SPAIN. I have translated a total of 119 books into SPANISH so far and can provide extensive information with the list of books and a second list of 129 articles translated for an encyclopedia in Madrid. I am also an author, have one novel published in Spanish, a second one in English and would like to see my third novel (in English) published too, but at this time I certainly can’t afford paying thousands of dollars, which I NEVER had to pay to see the other two published, which I do not have and I would not be willing to pay, as there are many more pressing needs in our family. What can you advice me to do please? My name email address are:

    Thank you,

    Ms. Rhode Flores
    Magnolia, Texas


  46. I have written a children’s book. I’m not an artist but know what I’d like the pictures to look like. Which publisher or publishers should I be talking with? I looked through the list but not many mention being willing to take on a children’s book. Thanks for any help!

    • I’m a christian artist that lives in Spruce grove, Alberta Canada. I would love to illustrate your story. I just completed writing the story of David and Goliath in rhyme and I am looking for a publisher, maybe you have some idea’s.
      Karen Manganye

  47. Has any of you ever checked out ? They help Christian writers like us get fine tuned. Great place with lots of fellow believers.

  48. I like many others have written a children’s book on the Nativity. I am waiting on an illustrator because it is primarily a picture book. How do I go about finding a publisher who would be interested?

    • Thanks for stopping by my site. I am not quite sure. I recommend going to your local book store, or even just amazon, and looking through similar books. See who published it since the publisher will be open to similar titles. Most publishers have their guidelines at their website.Remember not to restrict yourself to Christian publishers. And smaller publishing houses are more likely to take on new authors as a stepping stone to the big houses.

      – mooney

  49. Any suggestions as to which publisher would be the best fit for my story of walking with faith through the darkness of military loss this year? My husband was killed in action and I have written this year about learning to live without the man I spent my whole adult life with, not having a place to call home, having to make decisions that normal people do not have to make, dealing with the media, and dealing with the unthinkable violence of having my husband assassinated by someone he trusted.

    • Wow. First, I’m so sorry your husband died. Thank you for your family’s sacrifice, I can’t imagine.

      Second. I really don’t know what publisher best suits your book. I would say make the manuscript as clean (edits) as possible and start submitting to publishers with similar memoir/biography type titles already published. Submit to agents also.

      Another thought is to self-publish, It’s getting more popular and if you can do the marketing right and create a real platform for the book, I would send a copy to everyone I could.

      It sounds like a powerful story.

    • Hello. I am sorry for your loss. Your story could be a great source of encouragement to others as sadly, this is a season for loss. I would suggest you try RMS1437 Publishing. They are a traditional publishing company and offer many benefits to new writers. The web address is They may be able to work with you. Blessings, keep sharing your story in any platform the Lord would provide. I agree with C.R. Mooney. This sounds like a powerful story. Blessings to you!

  50. Thank you so much for this list. I just found your blog and it is very informative. I wonder if since the time you posted this list, anybody has gotten back to you to report any success stories of published manuscripts thanks to sending queries to the companies here listed? It would be great to know! It would certainly encourage me to finally send my first query letter : )

    • Great question! No one has given any feedback if they have been published with the help of my site.

  51. I’m legally blind, and have written about my10-year journey obtaining a guide dog. The right dog for me. i chronicle my need, process in applying, and my account at two differing schools. i show how God taught me to trust His leading, and how He provided, and the struggles i went through, to become a compotent guide dog user.My book is both informative, and inspirational, and would fit into several genres. i’m a bit confused as to format. Where can ”i find help with this issue? We have a known author at our church, and I’m trying to make contact with him,as well. Thanks.

  52. I have completed my first manuscript and submitted it to two publishing companies. Both accepted my proposal and offered me a contract. The catch is both involved self-publishing. i would prefer the traditional publishing route as I want someone to evaluate my work on its own merit not my ability to pay. Any suggestions?

  53. Hello, My name is Farrah and I am a fairly new writer. I have been writing christian children’s books for a while now and I have one finished, one almost finished and two more in progress. Have you heard of any publishers that are willing to publish children’s short stories from new authors? My stories are fiction but teach various different truths about God. I have been stuck trying to figure out where to go from here. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    • Writing a children’s book? I am a professional illustrator, please contact me should you require my services for a free estimate/consultation.

  54. Hello. My name is Ishmael. I am looking for a publisher. The Lord has blessed me with so wisdom and knowledge and some i have put in writing. I am new, but i am talented-glory to God. Its a new experience for me but i knew it was coming and it surely going to lead to this. so what can i do, who should i go for. I attend Henderson State University and presently an international student at Henderson State University-sophomore. Any help, suggestions, or a good word is greatly appreciated!

  55. Thank you and God bless you.

  56. hello, my name is kingsley.a producer . pls am looking for a nice publisher for my works

    • Kingsley,

      Could you please share a bit more about your books? Or, you can email me directly at

      Jeremiah Zeiset
      LIFE SENTENCE Publishing

      • ok sir, one of my wrk is a monthly christain magazine. a full colored wrk

  57. Please consider adding LIFE SENTENCE Publishing to this list. We’re at, and what is unique about our company is that we’re a hybrid between self-publishing and a traditional house. Your book will be edited, proofread, and marketed, provided that it fits our publishing criteria (visit our website to learn more).

    We heavy promoters of ebooks, believing that this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity, not having seen such a first-mover opportunity/advantage since the invention of the printing press. Think about it – ereaders have moved the bookstore into reader’s living rooms… How cool is that?!

  58. CrossLinkPublishing is accepting submissions for nonfiction books:

  59. Dear friends,

    I am Zemen Endale from Ethiopia, looking for discipleship teaching materials for new converts, so that we may translate and make available for the Christian community in their local languages.

    I’ll appreciate your concern and sending me via information via my email address.



  60. Sincerely, I have written some ten (10) books. On this note, I would be glad to get publishers accept my manuscript for perusal and consideration. Indeed many people around who have gone through the raw manuscript tip them as suitable for the international audience.
    I would be glad to work with any publisher from any part of the world.

  61. I am in the process of writing my first christian fiction novel, and currently have over 40,000 words. The novel itself will end up somewhere between 60,000 and 100,000 words which from what I’ve learned online is the recommended length for a novel of this type. Do you know if this is accurate or not?? This novel will end up being a series. Second, I have let dozens of people read what I have written so far, and the response has been incredible. But this is new for me and I have many questions. Do publishers prefer the entire novel, or how much do they typically need/want to decide if this is something they’d be interested in publishing? Is it better to have some kind of agent or just to submit the novel yourself? I’m also curious as to what can be expected financially out of a first novel as I’m not looking to be taken advantage of just because this is my first novel? Can you give me any idea of what is normal and what normally takes place in the process? I am truly looking for information and advice from anyone who may know how I should proceed, and would appreciate any feedback you can give me. Thanks in advance, God bless you.

  62. sbennett,

    Based on your questions alone, there is no way to provide answers of substance. For example, there is no way to answer the question concerning what can be expected financially, as the quality of your book and how well it’s received will determine your financial reward.

    Concerning the length – you’re in the ballpark. Keep in mind that the number is simply the length most novels historically have been. However, some bestsellers have been much longer, some much shorter. There are few concrete rules.

    Manuscript submission – at LSP, we prefer the entire manuscript. The big six are more concerned about the book proposal than the manuscript, as the main concern really is how well you’ll promote the book. You will simply need to work with each publisher to find out what they want from you – an agent is a good help for this. Know though, that if you are a new author, you may be wasting time and money as most publishers today aren’t accepting unsolicited manuscripts. In such a case, a hybrid company like ours is your best choice.

    You might want to visit our website at for more information about our publishing company. Good luck with your manuscript. Writing a book is so exciting, and it’s a wonderful thing to be at the point of being ready to publish!

    Warm regards,

    Jeremiah Zeiset
    LIFE SENTENCE Publishing

    • I agree with Jeremiah. The best way to know what a publisher is looking for/offering is to visit their website. Sometimes the information is buried ten pages back, and that is why I started this list.

      I recommend that you look at other books in the genre you write yours in and start looking into the publishers of those books. Google searches can also help. My list here is pretty short, so picking up a copy of The Christian Writer’s Market Guide ( can be most useful.

      My last note is that I have found most publishers expect first time novelists to have a completed work. By that I mean it has been written and edited to the point you believe it is ready to publish.

      Thanks for stopping by my site, and thanks Jeremiah for your assist.

  63. I have written, illustrated, and submitted children’s Christian stories in the past, but the last few years I have focused more on the illustration process. I am hoping to hook up with a Christian publishing house as one of their illustrators. I have illustrated books for many clients who have self-published in the past.

    • Natalie, I am working on expanding my site with some different lists, including Illustrators. Is it OK if I contact you for your information when I add this to my site?

  64. For the past 3 1/2 years I have been writing Bible Studies on various books of the New Testament, as well as topical studies in an easy to read form, and have been posting them on line at a Christian Blog site. I feel led to get the studies out to as many people as possible. Ultimately I would like to have these studies available on Kindle books. My goal is to reach as many people as possible, for being involved in other ministries I have come to see how many Christians are really lacking understanding of God’s Word, and as Paul I would like to impart to them a spiritual gift of teaching so many might grow in grace and knowledge of Him. I am willing to send the link of the Christian Blog site for any who would be interested in reviewing what I have done.

  65. Hi i am an evangelist from Mauritius.. i am planning on writting books.. i already started and the style now is like explaining a topic biblicaly using key scriptures to support the teachings.. and i wanted to know which publish house can publish my book eventhough i am not in the U.S.. i would want the book to be on market in the U.S first before moving to other countries.. so i ask humbly, could you help me.. please..

  66. Howdy, I want bare bones publisher for my Christian book on Salvation, who is the cheapest publisher around who would give good distribution rights – if you know any? In Australia preferably as it wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg for shipping books to me. Thanks a bunch.

    • is totally free, and you can have your book published and distributed world-wide within 24 hrs. I did mine just 2 days ago.. It’s all free!

  67. Hi Chris,

    Instructory Press is a Christian publishing company based out of New York City: We publish only Christian non-fiction at this point, but are hoping to add another imprint next year for fiction.

    We specialize in working with first time authors and blend elements from a traditional publishing company with those of a self publishing company. We have one of the top cover designers working with us and specialize in heavy marketing/promotion for our clients.


  68. I’ve recently had to honor of getting to know an amazing Christian man. His name is Robert, but he goes by ‘Bicycle Bob’. The reason he goes by that name is the reason for this e-mail. Bicycle Bob has traveled over 10,000 miles on a bicycle, preaching Gods word and love to everyone he meets. He lives in FL, but has rode to Canada and back a handful of times and stops in Ohio to see us during his trips. He has had the most amazing experiences and uses those to share the word of Christ. He has had everything stolen, bikes break, he’s been ran over more times than I can stomach hearing about, been bitten by dogs, harassed by people, run off the road by cars for having a “Jesus Saves” sign on the back of his bike (don’t let my description fool you, it’s a very large sign on neon orange poster board). Throughout all his trial and tribulations, his faith has never wavered, he’s never questioned Gods plan or had any doubts about anything. Bicycle Bob is the most humble and sincere person I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and I feel his story could be a huge source of inspiration to many.
    Every town he stops in he touches someone’s life in one way or another and I always make the comment “someone needs to write a book about this man!”. That is the reason for this e-mail. I wanted to try and figure out how I could approach this and see about getting something published about him. Any help you could give me on where to turn would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.

    P.s. he doesn’t get online much in his travels, but when he does, he logs into Facebook to record where he’s at, what he’s seen and how God is impressing on his life. Feel free to take a look at his profile, it’s public for all to see. If you search for “bicycle bob” you will find him. Thanks again for your time.

    • Wow, what an amazing man! Are you looking to write this yourself? There are a couple of ways. You can collect stories of individuals (with their permission) and write a story of how he has affected lives, write an authorized biography where you interview him and others he has come in contact with, or write an unauthorized biography.

      If you are looking for another individual to write this, keep posting places like this or search forums for ghost writers or other freelance writers.

      I hope this puts you on the right path. Anyone else have thoughts?

  69. Hi,
    I am a translator from India with 7 years of experience in translating Books, Bibles, Commentaries, articles, etc., from English to Indian languages such as Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and Oriya languages. I have a team working with me and we can do translations from English to any of the Indian languages. So kindly advice us if you have any opportunity in your firm.

    We can assure you a good quality translation for a minimum cost.

    Looking forward to hear from you.

    Sunu Daniel, India, +91 94 70 20 33 56

    • Thank you Sunu, I will keep this information available here in case it is useful for others.

    • Hi Sunu,

      Can you contact me at

  70. Hello,
    I have written a daily planner since year 2000 to 2006 having close encounters with God. My wife was a Buddhist and The Lord had manifested to her in many occasions. We had trips to heaven in many occasions and for my amazement all that we see there it’s written in the bible.
    Since 1997 when my wife and i got toghether we had many miracles to count on. The Lord had said to me that it was time for me to learn more of him. I then attended a bible university for almost 5 years. The Lord has giving us dreams, visions to spread the gospel starting in Mexico then to the world.
    It’s been an amazing journey and sometimes disappointed but I would not change it for anything.

    It would me better for me if I could get in touch with a publisher who speaks both English and Spanish.

    • I am getting more comments regarding bilingual publishers. Let me see what I can find as I do not currently know of any. I am sure they are out there though.

  71. I am a full time middle school English teacher so therefore a part time writer. I love teaching but my passion is writing and never have enough hours in the day to work enough time to write. I just submitted yet another query letter. I wish publisher would be honest and tell one right out front if they are a vanity publishing house. If they are I would not submit a query and waste precious time that I do have writng query letters for nothing.

    • Keep on submitting! None of them are a waste as each time you do something, you get better at it. And you would rather wait for a publisher that is the right fit than to accept a contract from someone who truly doesn’t believe in you.

  72. I have a theology degree, and last year wrote a Christmas story as a childrens project for our childrens church. The kids illustrated it and we made it into a book and printed just under 200 copies. It was a roaring success and loads of people are saying we should seriously look into publishing it. Kids love the story but also adults. It has also been read by non church folk, who think it’s great. We could go down the self publishing track, but I just want to see if it’s worth looking into a publishing company. I have no idea where to start..

  73. I feel a urge to write a book… It has grown stronger and stronger over the years until now when I feel that I had to post this here to see what you all think.And if anyone knows a publisher I can use. please PM me.Its about several deeply touching experiences I have had personally with God, over the years from child hood til now.Most importantly Its about the most devout “Christian” I ever knew and her walk with God,my Grandmother. I think she and her life and death experience that I witnessed as a child is why I trust God so deeply. That death experience with my grandmother would be lost forever If I should die with out telling it I am the last living person that knows what happened the day my grandmother took her final breath;and It simply cant be. I really would appreciate being sent to the right publisher to start this book with Thank You

  74. Shirley,
    Take your time and write on, but check your spelling, grammer, etc.. Also see how the company you are thinking about wants the manuscript, by e-mail or mailed to them in paper form. Also most want it in double spaced with three
    spaces between paragraphs, no indents, no page numbers, but they do want the word count. Some of the traditional publishers will want an agent to send the book to them, and some will take forever to get a reply from them. If you go with a publish your own type of book, be forewarned, some are thieves and will try to get every penny you have. One I know will publish it for nothing, but you have to pay for any advertising you want done which goes on, and on. Every day they have a new way of selling you some advertising for your book. If you use them set a budget and do not go over it, spread it out over the whole year. The name opf the publisher is Publish America. Again check them out, as you should also do with the traditional publisher.
    Best wishes and may God be with you.
    Grampa Ed–Retired, Author in the making
    (four books published, one to be published, writting sixth one)

    • Thanks for replying to this Ed! Great information.

  75. I self published an inspirational poetry book at the end of 2010. My family and friends love the book. My only problem is that I am not able to get my book out to the public. Although I have a website where my book can be purchased, I don’t have the advertising skills to get it properly sold. Can someone tell me how to get my book advertised?
    God bless you,

    • Hi Mary, there are some great resources online to get marketing ideas. I recommend Michael Hyatt’s book Platform.

  76. How legit are the companies on this list? Are they BBB qualified? Or do I need to research each one of your recommendations?
    Thank you so very much for your help in putting this wonderful list together. It certainly helps in a big way.
    Thank you for your time.

    • Great question Sherry. I do not check them for BBB status, but I do try to vet them the best I can. Most are major publishers. The smaller publishing houses don’t get listed unless I feel comfortable with the company after exchanging emails and doing some Google research on them. Not every request to get on the list is approved.

      Thanks again for the great question. I may add this to the top of the page.

  77. Looking for a publisher for my book, WERE WE ONCE ANGELS. The book is on my web sites: and

  78. I am looking for a publisher for my new book.
    I hope it speaks volumes in someones life..
    Any advice is appreciated..

  79. Hi Chris. Site look’n good!

    • Thanks Andy! I’m always looking to improve it. Any suggestions on what you would like to see here?

  80. Destiny Image is broken link

    • Fixed! Thanks for letting me know Greg.

  81. I need to talk to someone about promoting my book. I am already published.

    • Congrats on publishing your book! I see you went through Xlibris, curious on how you liked it. Anyway, there are many books on marketing your work. Are you planning on making it available for Kindle? A small ebook I found helpful for marketing is How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months!
      by John Locke.

  82. Thank you C.R. Mooney, this is Tanya. Actually there were a few managerial problems I ran into with them. They first told me that I could pay in 3 payments and then they ‘made’ me pay in 2. The chain of command seemed to be off and you change cycle managers about 6 times (no joke). I would say to watch out for the initial sell. You do get your marketing materials but when they tell you that you will receive things in 3-5 days, believe me you won’t get it until 3-4 weeks. That was my experience.


  83. I am Sumesh Koshy from Bangalore, India. If somesone needs pagiantion/layout work on christian books, please do contact me. I have more than 7 years of experience in Publishing industry. I do freelance pagination for Christian Publishers. I have exposure in Word, PageMaker and in Indesign.

    Thanks and regards,

  84. Thank you so much for this information. I have two manuscripts waiting to be published.

    • Hi Lymandia,

      Just wanted to check if there is anything to be published? Somehow missed your above response.

      If there is anything I can help you with, please contact in

      Thanks and regards,

  85. Thanks to your post of Christian publishing companies, I, as a beginning author, was able to identify and land my first publishing contract with someone on your list! Much appreciated!

    • That’s awesome Phillip! I emailed you about guest posting here. Let me know.

  86. Hi! I represent C Forbes Press, a small christian publishing company that has just released it’s second childrens book and is open to submitted manuscripts. Is it possible to be listed? Our website is


  87. Hi! We are a newly settled publishing house based in New Delhi in the name of Christian World Imprints (CWI). The venture is going to undertake specialized publishing of books on all aspects falling under Christian Studies (some listed on the back) ; both, general/classics — for use primarily by people at large, and, scholarly — for use primarily by institutes/libraries & academics.

    We are just out with our two books and many other are in pipeline. For further details you can click on the link


  88. Thank you for hosting this site. Having been pitched by vanity publishers and agents who try and suck blood out of wannabe authors, has made me a little cynical about agencies who freely accept manuscripts. And I’m not saying that the first agency you list (5 Fold Media) is illegit, but I do question why their manuscript submission app asks the question “are you unemployed or disability?” What could that possible have to do with whether you are marketable as an author or not? I realize in posting this that you are only a host who is offering resources to help people, but if there is an explanation for why they want that information, I would like to hear it.

    • Thanks for stopping by Bruce! I am not sure why that question would be asked, though I’m sure they have a reason. I can’t see a publisher wanting unnecessary info that would drive away potential authors. Have you emailed them about it?

  89. well, the only way to respond is to fill out the form that I object to. I could do it and see what happens. The worst is, I could get a response telling me that my ms has been accepted and it will cost x amount to get it published.

    • Bruce, don’t mess with them! I’m disabled, and I published my book on I didn’t have to answer any questions like that. All I did was submit the tax form required by Law. CreateSpace is totally free and distributes world-wide. They also get you lined up for to publish it in Kindle format. I just did mine and it turned out awesome! Not purposing to sell you my book, but you can go look at it at this link if you want.

  90. I am a writer od a childrens book and I’d like to know more about getting it published.

  91. Looking for some basic answers as I am very new to the game. What is the “regular” accepted profit margin on books when using a publisher. Does this vary a great deal? Thank you for any help you can give on this subject.

    • For first time authors with a traditional publisher: about $1 for paperbacks and slightly more for hard covers.

  92. I, oyenike am a first time writer of a christian fiction and would like your advice on professional editing services and how to get my book published. Good job on your site.

    • Thanks for commenting. This web is full of information for this. I am putting together a list of Christian editors that will be available in about a month.

      • Hi! I’m looking forward to this list of Christian editors! I’m actually trying to get into that field. I’ve edited for almost three years now at a financial research company, but I want to get into editing Christian material. Do you have any advice how to do that or can you add my name to the list of Christian editors? Thanks again for this very thorough list.

        Nan Rojas

  93. Does anyone have any personal experience with Xulon Press? I’d like them to publish a book for me, but I don’t see them on the list.

    • thanks for asking. I do not have Xulon included in this list as they are only a self-publishing company. The publishers on this list are traditional publishers or co-publishers.

  94. My name is Paul and in 2011, For Health Reasons I Retired from Thirty Four Years of Ministry and Counseling! I have written a Childrens Series, Telly Tales-The Adventures of Telly The Owl. is now avaiable through Xlibris, B&N.Com and 200 other online bookstores. I am looking for a Publisher to redo the book series I & II. I feel that this is unsettled business for this Faith Based Childrens Series. I just dont want to see its message retire like I had too. I cannot pay anymore to do this!

  95. thanks for providing information most writers are looking. God bless you
    Regards kuda


  97. Which of the publishing companies listed on your accepting unsolicited manuscripts list, accept children’s books?

    • I’m not sure off hand, I would have to go through the list to find out. I recommend finding similar titles to what you are writing and see who is publishing them. Check the genre and target age group.

  98. I am currently working on a book that does not fit into usual categories. It explores the origins of the Holocaust and is a study of Nazi antisemitism, and so has a lot of German philosophy, but from a biblical viewpoint. It explains that traditional religious antisemitism was (a) contrary to the bible and (b) very different from Nazi racial antisemitism. I am willing to go through the work of sending proposals, but wonder if anyone knows of a publisher that might be interested in an unsual mix of history, philosophy, and biblical Christianity.

    A longer more complex version has been published at, this is a complete rewrite.


  99. Fantastic site!

    I have learned that getting published is time-intensive, confusing, and often disheartening, BUT worth it.

    After querying through the traditional route for 1 1/2 years, I self-published (two non-fiction books) with AN UPRIGHT, PROFESSIONAL TEAM.

    I have three children’s books (one allegory, one physical science, one disability) and half a novel w/ which I want to try the traditional route again.

    If anyone is interested, has direction or advice, I’m grateful 🙂

    For MORE about me and my books, please go here:
    You can message me on “comments” or at


  100. I have written a Christian-themed children’s book and have never been published. I am looking for an illustrator and for recommendations on self-publishing.

  101. Karen,
    Publish America is free to publish, but you do pay for advertising and buying your books for yourself. Just be careful as you can spend a lot of money fairly quickly. It is all done on the computer, so just go to and you will be on their site. Out of my five books they have done three and I will not go through the others ever again.
    Grampa Ed, Retired, Author in the making
    Woodstock Illinois

  102. I am looking for someone to help me with some true stories that my family has had for many years they are all true about spiritual visions,dreams,miracles,healings and apparitions we have a spiritual gift and something is pushing us to get them out so people can read about them we are a poor family and do not know where to begin with this we have been sitting down noting the events. Some examples are candles lighting up on there own,car accident with the apparition of a saint helping, being chased by dogs and suddenly sit with a word of faith,winning the lottery when in desperate need of help by a dream with the virgin mary,jesus coming to our house from prayer then a dream of him from the outcome to tell us something about that moment,the virgin Mary’s appiration floating in church.just some of many if interested in helping please contact me by email first we want to help others believe. Thank you thom

  103. […] List of publishers […]

  104. I am writing a Christian devotional with picture illustrations painted by a personal friend of mine, God has called me to help other’s through my own pain. It’s title will either be 365 words of healing or Changing lives on word at a time. If you are interested email me Crystal Cooper at

  105. Hello! This is a fantastic site and a wonderful list. If I may, I’d like you to consider adding Anaiah Press to this list. ( We are a new Christian fiction publisher that publishes adult, young adult, middle grade, picture books, and non-fiction books. We’re currently open to submissions in all of our imprints. Please visit our website for full guidelines. And anyone who has seen this comment can address your query directly to me 🙂

  106. I am a Pastor who runs a deliverance ministry in Africa and have written a Healing and Deliverance book which I have self published in Africa and is selling like hot cakes. I have now been thinking of publishing it in America. Any advice on how to go about it, and may you recommend publishing houses that may be interested in such a book.

  107. am daniel and av written over 300 daily devotions and would like to sell them can you buy them

    • I am interested in translating and publishing your devotion in India languages viz. Marathi, Hindi, Gujarathi etc. Kindly advise : Rev. Dr. C.S.Kale, Chairman ( Bombay Tract & Book Society; estd in 1828) in India (email: Cell: +91-9833408433) Do you want to sell these or share royalty for them? Whatever your reply plse send me a sample of the same.

  108. Adam,
    Only one comment–God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and never changes, that is why the Christians in this world have problems with a few people like yourself–who wants to change things. The only thing I want you to think on IS PRAY, AND ASK GOD WHAT HE THINKS, NOT PEOPLE.
    And I will pray for you also–you are a smart man and I hate to think of you throwing everything away. May God be with you always

  109. Thanks very much for your response, Ed. You are very thoughtful. Please allow me to return the courtesy one more time.

    I know you know this already, but not all change is bad. If the Titanic had changed its course, it would never have made such an indelible mark on history, and if modern medicine didn’t constantly change and adapt, you and I might not be here today.

    If you are 79, then I believe you would have been about 8 or 9 when the worst of WWII was playing out in Europe, and you would have been only about 5 or 6 when Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. Statistics say that the US alone lost over 400,000 people in that war and the total casualties world wide was somewhere in the 50-70 million range.

    When you talk about change, are you 100 percent sure that a change of course during that time would have been equally bad?

    I work in Washington DC, Ed, and I see so many statues and monuments every day paying tribute to soldiers that died and leaders that led these wars throughout our national history. I hear stories about this war hero and that one, and everyone sings their praises….

    ….but what about the people who can observe a society on a complex level and see a war forming years in advance? What if those people understand what conversations are necessary at the one-on-one level…that will spread to larger conversations…that will evoke a change in the minds of the public…that will ultimately cause a change in the minds of politicians and even in foreign policy?

    I’m one of those people…and I guarantee that Christians are walking right into their own holocaust as we speak. How do I know? All you have to do is look at the book of Revelations and it’s there…waiting as a self-laid trap for anyone who accepts the Bible and doesn’t ever question it. To me, it looks like a suicide mission.

    Please consider this…that the very book that you don’t want to change is nearly the same set of stories that has guided the conversations and cultural behavior of the Jews for thousands of years. Is it possible, Ed, that following the assumptions of the ancient Jews could have walked their modern counterparts right into their own Holocaust? Yes, Hitler played a major role in it, but here is what people don’t talk about:

    Two cultures…in the same country…both of them extremely smart, detail-oriented, picky, and convinced that they are right. One of them didn’t have a country of their own at the time…yet they have been taught since the time of Moses that they are “God’s Chosen People.” If you don’t see the potential for racial superiority in that statement, then you also won’t see how similar that attitude can be to the racial supremacy of the Third Reich. This is a very serious problem, as we are continually following the same line of logic.

    So, let me be clear in my intentions…that I am trying ardently to save the lives of the Christians…but none of them will listen. In case you change your mind about the need for conversations like this, here is my email address if you or anyone else here wants to talk:

    Take care,

    Adam J. Read

  110. Adam.
    Yes I do see what you are getting at. Just look at our own history of the US, we have fought one war after the other and we still have racial hatred and people are afraid of those with special needs or handicapped. Yes I do see people going the wrong way and right into the book of Revelation and we and our leaders are accepting them, for instance the homosexuals, and sexual sin, a lot of people accept them with open arms and one of the letters in Revelation states that Jesus hates those that accept others and look the other way as if their was no problem. I am one that believes that the book of Revelation WILL come true, but when and how that is up to God only to know. Christians are doing the same thing over and over just like the Jewish people did centuries ago, they believe but then SOON forget and go back to their old ways. I believe this to be true of we here in the US. But how to get people into the Bible and believe and become better Christians, I have no idea. Maybe your idea will work, but think very hard on the subject before you jump in feet first, for you will have a lot of opposition.
    Best wishes in your future, I will be involved with my new book and I know I will not spend a lot of time on other sites for awhile.
    God be with you

  111. Hello Ed and Adam,

    First, thank you for keeping your discourse cordial. At first, I thought of removing the comments altogether as it seemed an argument was eminent, but as the week unfolded, you kept it polite and thoughtful

    Also, I don’t mind opposing views here as long as they are not flagrant, foul, disrespectful (none of which you have been Adam). However, this is The Christian Writer;s Corner is just that. So please, if you wish to discuss “Transitional Theology,” please do so privately. Adam has posted his email for you Ed, so I encourage you to reach him that way.

    I will remove this thread at the end of the week so that you are both able to copy out your dialogue and continue it, but please do not comment further.

    Thanks for you cooperation.

    – mooney

  112. Thanks for the response, Mooney. I am in the process of submitting a plot line to a number of publishing companies…as well as a professional psychoanalyst for review. I would like to give you this plot for your review as well unless you don’t want it.

    If you don’t want it posted here, then you are welcome to email me as well.

    Take care,

    Adam J. Read

  113. Dear Sir,

    Do you have a list of Christian publishers seeking submissions for full-colour children’s picture books?

    Thanks and Calvary blessings to you,

    God bless you!


    • Most of the major publishers do, ZonderKidz, Bethany House, Tyndale Kids, B & H. I suggest going to your local book store, finding the books similar in content to yours, and seeing who published them. Check back here for their contact info, or if you find some I don’t have listed, let me know and I will add them!

  114. how do I submit my book for publishing

    • I suggest going to your local book store, finding the books similar in content to yours, and seeing who published them. Check back here for their contact info, or if you find some I don’t have listed, let me know and I will add them!

  115. I have a collection of true short stories…written in the third person. Each one of the stories has God speaking to me in regards to the situation encountered. The words always broaden the perspective of the individual involved and allows the reader to see from God’s point of view. My question is…would the collection be submitted as a book or as individual stories? The common thread running through all of the stories is God Speaks.

    • Hmmm, it’s hard to say without more info, If they have a common theme, you could pursue it a collection of shorts in one volume, or try the short story market and publish them individually, Not an easy road either way, but don’t let that stop you!

    • I am interested in translating and publishing your stories in India languages viz. Marathi, Hindi, Gujarathi etc. Kindly advise : Rev. Dr. C.S.Kale, Chairman ( Bombay Tract & Book Society; estd in 1828) in India (email: Cell: +91-9833408433)
      What is the length of each story in words?And what’s your interest in publishing these stories?

  116. hello I am an unemployed Vet and I write I was hoping you might be able to connect me to a resource network
    that can help me get back up after a personal crisis so I can help my wife and family as it is I’m a financial burden because I don’t contribute financially

    I have a lot of Material that I believe has value and as a craft
    my writing is spiritual , intellectual, theory science molecular R&D
    Comedy some not so Christian

    I am a 48 yr. old Christian father former U.S. ARMY Military Police officer
    deeply spiritual but not living in the Zone so the enemy is kickin my butt

    I am a self study of Hydro dynamic design engineering Thermo Magnetics
    aquaculture micro biology entomology horticultural sciences surrogate organic and synthetic platforms for AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
    Dynamic energy systems research Culinary Arts cooking

    Hyper – compound geometric design a course that is taught at doctorate Level at U.C. Sandi ego that I found out on Google

    So if I do Doctorate level work for Kicks why am I penniless
    that’s what I can’t figure out
    aren’t smart people supposed to flock together tweet, tweet

    or at Least have some form of personal financial ability

    well the most important is the writing for spiritual growth I believe if I do that then the principle of seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be granted unto you

    so if your someone that has the potential to coach this issue maybe we can strike a deal and I’m not really into contracts my word is my Bond if that level of integrity is not something your familiar with then we may not click

    I hope to support through what the books I write make monetarily to African Missions specifically north west Africa
    thanks hope to here from someone with some advice

    • Hi Tom,

      My name is Adam. I’m not a publisher, employer, or counselor, but I’m guessing that if you’re doing doctorate level work for kicks, you are probably a convergent thinker as opposed to a linear thinker. It’s what you do with your “other mind” while the first mind is taking care of normal, daily tasks. It’s sort of like having one of those computers with two processors.

      I’d like to connect. I think you and I might have a lot in common. Writer, theologian, philosopher, engineer, married with 4 kids with one on the Autistic spectrum. Ag Engineering grad, too.

      Theological engineering and philosophical engineering are very intriguing to me, as these areas merge social architecture and human behavior with the scientific method. Absolutely fascinating.

      “The pattern that is most repeated will be the most influential.”

      Drop me a note.

      Adam J. Read

  117. Hi, please i am Winnie Ngalame and i am part of a Christian organization from Cameroon. We have written a series of Christian poems for kids and would like your advice on an illustrator who would be available to illustrate the books with appropriate images.

  118. Do you know of any publishing companies looking to publish books of Christian poetry? I’m not sure which category that would fall under, but it has been a dream of mine for years now, and I am finally ready to pursue it!

  119. Hello, Can you possibly add to the list? They are a Christian publisher located in Texas.

  120. Do you know of any publishing companies interested in an 8-book series on the life of Christ as a historical novel from the point of view of the unbelieving side of people who met Jesus and their journey to full belief? Most chapters begin with doubts, but end with understanding and full belief. Full of footnotes proving each historical event, but also almost lyrical narrative.

  121. CR….do you know anything about Tate Publishing?

  122. Hello! i am Vijesh from Mauritius and i am writing a book on THE HOLY SPIRIT. i am not in the US and can’t find a good Christian publisher here where i am.. plz can someone guide me to any publisher who will be willing to help. thanks.

  123. If you would like free lessons on writing good English, check out . The text book is the Bible, so you will get double benefits. Good luck.

  124. Pls. I have a small publishing company, I want to sale the company’s name, due to high cost of running and maintainance. Any interested company or individual is free to contact me via my e-mail: God bless you all.

  125. i am a novice writer. in my hands there are 7 uncompleted draft pertaining to godliness, religious, inspirational and political, which i need assistance to publish into a book for audience locally and internationally

  126. Please I want to know if you know of a christian publishing company in China or any publishing company in China that prints Christian books..

  127. Seeking to glorify God thru written expression of his gift in my life. And share what he has done for me. I am a Poet for the Lord.

  128. It would be the Christian mindset to allow submissions from unsolicited authors. We have a voice and story to assist many as the ‘established’ writers do. However, it’s your man-made company and my God given & annointed story to share with some other publisher. What God ordains, He is able to maintain.

  129. Publish your Christian book at

  130. Christian Publishing House is new, and we are accepting manuscripts.

  131. Your link to Destiny Image seems to be broken.

    • Hi-

      Can you tell me why Tate Publishing is not on any of your lists?

      Thanks Florbela


      • Thank you The Destiny link has been fixed.

  132. Hi,
    I am a translator from Myanmar. We translate English christian books into Myanmar/
    Burmese and other languages in Myanmar.
    Any sugguestions in getting permissions from authors or publishers?
    We welcome any advices or anyone who would like books for translation for Myanmar audience.

    Please contact us:
    Isaac Lai

  133. Hmm it seems like your website ate my first comment
    (it was extremely long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I had written and say,
    I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I too am an aspiring blog
    writer but I’m still new to the whole thing.
    Do you have any tips for beginner blog writers? I’d certainly
    appreciate it.

  134. Hi-
    I noticed you don’t have Tate Publishing on your list. Any reason why they didn’t make your list?


    • I will be adding Tate soon. Thank you!

  135. I have approximately 30 spiritual poems…would anybody be interested in publishing them.

    • Please send them to me.I am interested in translating and publishing your poems in India languages viz. Marathi, Hindi, Gujarathi etc. Kindly advise : Rev. Dr. C.S.Kale, Chairman ( Bombay Tract & Book Society; estd in 1828) in India (email: Cell: +91-9833408433)

  136. I am interested in translating and publishing books in India languages viz. Marathi, Hindi, Gujarathi etc. Kindly advise with specific details : Rev. Dr. C.S.Kale, Chairman ( Bombay Tract & Book Society; estd in 1828) in India (email: Cell: +91-9833408433)

  137. It is too late. I submitted that last spring. I have since found a publisher.

  138. Are you aware of companies or organizations that provide grants for Christian writers? I have a manuscript, but the problem is being able to finance the venture. What suggestions do you have?

  139. Do you find Tate to be a traditional publishing house? I’ve been told they make money off authors not so much books.

  140. First, I want to thank Mooney for this list. Now, I am looking for info on publishing a Christian non-fiction, short-story collection/book that will be sent to jails and prisons. The collection contains personal experiences of faith and victory over hopelessness involving self-destructive behaviors. My husband is the author of these eye-opening and sometimes very comical chronicles and we have a para-church ministry (i.e. one that is not financially supported by the local church) via snail mail (USPS). The writings are from a Christian perspective but also from one who has extensive experience in the world. The stories are easy to relate to, the author keeps things real and interesting. In order for the stories to be compiled and allowed into the correctional facilities, there must be a publisher and the books must be mailed from the publisher. My husband and I are on a restricted and limited income and cannot afford to pay the extensive fees of having the collection published by contemporary publishers for profit; besides, we are not motivated by money. We simply want to get these potentially life-changing stories into the hands of those who most of the world has forgotten about. We thank Mooney for the opportunity to post this request and we are looking forward to any replies we receive. Sample story can be sent upon request.

  141. Hi friends,I am a published writer, have written over 1000 poems,songs etc. need a book published that I’m sure will make millions of dollars,,,,,work with me,I will share 25%*God Bless Us

    • I would like to introduce our Christian Publishing House to you. Shari Parker Publishing. We have over 55 authors and 78 books in the market in three years.

      • Hi Shari, I would love to give you the opportunity to introduce your company to our community. I will be in touch!

      • Hi Shari, I would love to submit my manuscript to your publishing house titled “Bouncing Back”.. Love to hear from you.

        Ray Mann

  142. Please, I want my inspirational book published. How do I get started?

    • There are a thousand details not in your question. I’m putting together a FAQ ebook that I will be giving away that will hopefully address most of your questions. For now, edit edit edit. Get the book as good as you an. If you can afford a professional editor I recommend it. Then find books that are similar to yours, see who published them and start submitting. Good luck!

  143. l am writing a book about God and am almost finished. If God really did help me write this book the next step will be to try to get it published. I don’t have a lot pf money and trying to come up with $3000. to get it published is next to impossible

    • Hi on, there are 1000 different ways to get your book out there, paying $3000 doesn’t have to be one of them. You can go the traditional publisher way and start submitting it, or all the way on the other end of the spectrum you can simply publish it as an ebook on Amazon, which is a minimal cost. May God give you the wisdom to get it where it needs to be.

  144. I am currently working on a book about Cyrus Byington, a missionary to the Choctaw people who wrote their first dictionary. How would be the best way to market it?

    • By “market” I believe you mean to publishers. If you aren’t into getting an agent to submit for you, you will have to solicit publishers who take open submission. I have several listed above. Target publishers of books similar to yours. Most have their own guidelines, so follow them carefully as books that don’ meet their formatting requirements are likely to get tossed.

  145. Hello! Are you still adding to this list? If so, Peasantry Press is a new, small press publisher who is accepting unsolicited manuscripts. We publish both “clean” secular and Christian work – or we plan to, when we have titles to release! 🙂 We launched Jan 1st, and are looking for talented writers in a number of genres!

    • Alyssa, thank you for stopping by. Yes, I am expanding the list. Unfortunately in trying to improve the site’s usability, I haven’t updated it in some time. I will email you soon to get some more information. Thanks!

  146. Are you interested in inspirational poetry also

  147. Yes, I am interested. I have a collection of inspirational poem titled Songs of Love

  148. Hello I wonder if you could help me please.:-)
    Could you tell me what they mean by ‘solicited’ or ‘Unsolicited’ and how I get my book solicited.
    Thankyou very much for your time

    • Hi Jon, the difference is really simple. Unsolicited manuscripts are when an writer will just send their work to a publisher or whatever without first being requested to do so. Sometimes, a publisher will have a list of writers that they use (or solicit!) to write a book on a particular subject that they have in mind. Or, perhaps to commission the completion of a work where the author has sent in a sample or an idea for a book. This is something that would be hard work to do if you’re a new publisher. I always suggest having a go at self-publishing to prove yourself in the world of writing first.

      [Sorry, here comes the ad! 😉 ] drop me a line if you have a book you want to try to self publish and I’m sure we can help. We’re also thinking about starting a new imprint just to publish Christian titles as we work with SO many Christian authors and publishers.

      All the best and wishing you success in your writing!


  149. Hi, my name is Janie. I had a vision from God 3 years ago. He spoke to me about past events and how they will affect future events and this I saw with my eyes, He also told me he would purge me by fire first and in the last three years I have lost everything I had including my husband. I have been through so much since this vision. I know God wants me to get this vision out. I thought about putting it all in a book from the moment I had the vision to the events that took place afterwards that made me strong enough to do this. I have never written a book and know nothing about writing per say. I was hoping to get some advice or help. Once again, I saw Noah’s Day and then it jumped to the end times and how they connect.

  150. I write a Christian daily inspirational devotional messages to my contacts on whatsapp and on my Facebook Timeline. Am actually looking for a publisher to compile or put them into a book for posterity and also to explore other areas of my writing. I am public school teacher.
    The series I write is known as Breakfast in Bed

    • congrats on writing the devotionals! if you are looking just to print a collection of these for friends and family, I would self publish them. If you are looking to get a contract for them with a publisher, I recommend going to your local book store, or even just amazon, and searching for similar devotionals and see who publishes them (since these publishers will be open to similar titles). Most publishers have their guidelines at their website.

      Also, look through the nonfiction publishers in the list above.

  151. My friend in Zimbabwe who is a struggling pastor wrote a religious book and he is looking for someone to publish it,any ideas?i would like to help him publish his book.

  152. Cladach Publishing’s website says that it is no longer accepting unsolicited manuscripts.

  153. I’m a Finnish woman who has worked as missioner in Russian prisons for more than 20 years. I have written a book about my correspondence with the inmates, a document with autentic texts from letters. Almost the whole correspondence with 6 inmates, and references of 40 females and 43 males. Is there anybody who could be interested in publicating a book like this? It has never before been published nowhere. The biggest problem is: it has been written in Finnish language, and I’m not able to translate it!

  154. Almost finished a book on prayer, would like to see it out there asi believe it could be helpful to many. I heard of Owl publishing yesterday, can’t find t hem now. Any suggestions. Thanks Tim T

  155. I have written a Daily Devotional. Each day starts with. A scripture and then an encouraging message related to the scripture. How do I go about submitting it to a publisher?

  156. Hi, I work for a publisher called Opus Press Publishing and we are currently taking submissions. We don’t work with agents because we would prefer to work with the authors themselves. Also, we don’t buy the rights for the books, we let the author keep them. If this sounds like something you’d like, our website is and our Facebook page is Happy Writing!

  157. My friend had an excellent experience with Great Christian Books.!get-published/c1ecy

  158. I have approximately 30 inspirational poems…. would anyone be interested in them for a book, or to use in books.

    • Poetry is something I have not been able to find publishers for. If you do find some that are actively taking poetry, please let me know. I would look through periodicals.

  159. How does one protect their writings when using the self publish on line method — i.e. createspace, smashwords, amazon ebooks?

    • I am working on getting some form of reference together for this subject. Basic copyright belongs to the original author until the time you sign the rights away. If someone were to “steal” it, whether an author or publishing house, they would be open to a serious and enforceable lawsuit from the original author.

      I have seen a few examples of proof that were given, such as emailing a copy to yourself, mailing a printed copy to yourself, and different other options along those lines. I don’t think it would be too hard to prove that it was originally your work.

      I am not an authority on this, so please do some homework on this. I will try to get some verified information up soon.

    • If you want to have a way to prove you are the original author of a piece, check out World Wide Online Creator’s Registry. This is where I register the Scripture songs the Lord gives me. The cost is a fairly low. (note – I have a publishing ministry, but it is primarily to publish the Bible studies and songs the Lord gives me, not others’ works.)

  160. Hi my name is Sipho Nkonyane I live in south africa an I’m a christian book writer who desires that God’s Truth and manifold wisdom be made known to the body of Christ as an instrument to frustrate & further destroy the works of the devil. Can you help me find a godly & reliable publishing company?

    Thank you very much. God bless.

    • Hi Sipho, thank you for stopping by my site. I hope you find it helpful. Regretfully, I do not know much about publishing internationally. I would guess that it is much the same as in the US.

      I recommend going to your local book store, or even just amazon, and searching for books that are similar to yours, and see who published them (since these publishers will be open to similar titles). Most publishers have their guidelines at their website.

      Let me know what you find!

  161. Thank you very much for your helpful work.

    You asked us to let you know about broken links: Ponder Press is a broken link.

    • Thank you for the heads up! It says the site is under construction, but it looks to me as though they may have closed their doors. I will keep the link for now and check it periodically.

      Thanks again!

  162. Who should a new Christian author send a copy of their book to for promotional reasons?

    Are you looking for publishers or are you self publishing and looking for reviews? A list of Christian publishers who accept unsolicited submissions: This is a fairly comprehensi…

  163. new leaf publishing group?

  164. Hi, I thought I’d add my voice to the discussion. At Oxford eBooks, we find that we’re helping an increasing number of authors to self-publish in both eBook and Print On Demand form. It’s a great shortcut because it means you can try out your book on the public quickly and cheaply. Publishers take AGES to get back to you (I know, I have a big reading list on my desk!) and if you self-publish first, then as a new author you can then come to a publisher later with a PROVEN HISTORY of success with your brilliant book. (here comes the ad – sorry) Do drop me a line or see our website at We’d LOVE to help and we have a LOT of experience working with Christian publishers and writers.

  165. Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas is an award winning newer traditional Publishing house. It is missing from this list.

    • I am the founder of a small ministry called The Lord Jesus Ministry. I am looking for partnership with any Christian ministry or a sincere Christian to publish exclusive Christian books which every Christian shall need in these last days.
      The books include: –
      1. The Rapture Is Coming-Covering A-Z of rapture including past rapture occurrences, timing moot, rapture instructions; by which means sincere Christians shall fly to meet the Lord in the air; and the dangers the redeemed Christians shall encounter for which reason the Bible cautions all sincere Christians to “put on the whole armour of God” (Ephes. 6:11. The book indeed, is an eye-opener, and is intended to sensitize Christians the world over to “Watch”
      2. Who Is Going In The Rapture. It is a book which exposes false Christian denominations who explains away all the fundamental Christian concepts and the Gospel of Christ in general. Anyone desirous of going in the rapture must read this book.
      3.The Christian Talent; What Is It?- Exposing the conspiracy about what talents are; its importance in the Christian ministry; and how relevant the Lord’s commandment on Talents is with reference to the kingdom of God.
      4. The Lord Jesus Is Coming- Giving A-Z proofs about the coming of the Lord Jesus. 5. The Seven Seals Of God Is Coming- Revealing the devastating and deadly apocalyptic program which the Bible describes as “The hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”(Rev 3:10) The Seven Seals shall see the introduction of the Mark of the Beast, dumping of people in concentration camps, and a worldwide earthquake to be deliberately caused by human technology.
      6. The Seven Trumpets of God Is Coming. – Another destructive and deadly end of world program which follows the Seven Seals.
      7. The Seven Vials Of God Is Coming- Another destructive and deadly end of world program which follows the Seven Seals.
      8. Faith: What Is It? – Exposes the conspiracy of apostate Christian writers who have concealed the biblical truths about this Christian concept.
      9. Ye must be Born Again.- The Christian concept of Born –Again is phased out of the pulpit. Every Christian denomination explains the concept the way they understand it instead of the bible’s view point. This book exposes the conspiracy of apostate Christian writers who have concealed the biblical truths about this all-important Christian concept.
      10. How To Get A Position In Heaven- I have never come across a book which gives details about how one can get the type of position he or she wants in the kingdom of God. This book is the only one coming with such detailed Biblical information.
      11. The Christian talent: What Is It? – This book exposes the conspiracy surrounding what talents are and its relevance for entry into the Kingdom of God.
      12. Other Books under writing.
      You can’t put some of these books down until you have finished reading.

      The pages range from 100-200 pages for each book. What make these books exclusive is the contents which are somewhat different from similar books ever written before. All the writings are enriched with bible quotes and real current events around the world to ensure better explanation and understanding of the contents.
      Any partner who shows up should be ready to get the book translated into major languages of the world; and the book marketed cheaply worldwide.
      Proceeds from the books shall be used exclusively to support the gospel work and to support the needy ones worldwide.

      • Are your books on Amazon please

  166. The “Cladach Publishing” link seems to be brocken.

    • I have submitted my request to be added to the list several times. Can someone help me please? We do take unsolicited manuscripts. Please go to our website for more information. Shari ParkerShari Parker Publishing and Printing The “Unique” PublisherA Christian Publishing Company

      Write! Publish! & Sell Your Book! $15.00 Amazon Make Thousands of $ Selling Your Books! Release date September 2015. $15.00

      From: The Christian Writer’s Corner To: Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 12:55 PM Subject: [New comment] List of Christian Publishers #yiv6248617653 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv6248617653 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv6248617653 a.yiv6248617653primaryactionlink:link, #yiv6248617653 a.yiv6248617653primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv6248617653 a.yiv6248617653primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv6248617653 a.yiv6248617653primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv6248617653 Lucia Dolores commented: “The “Cladach Publishing” link seems to be brocken.” | |

  167. Hello C.R. Mooney
    Thank you for the site
    I’m a new writer. I’m a french speaker so my book is in french. I’ll like to have contacts of chrsitain publisher who translate and publish in English, and French. It’s a novel.
    God bless

    • Can you please email us with your requirements? We will be able to help you.

  168. I did not see Zulon on your list. Isn’t that a Chrustian publisher also? Just want to know as i am yrying to decide whete to go to publish a devotional.

  169. I am from Nigeria. I am a young man with the zeal for GOD message and a great prophetic grace.
    I have written 10 books but non has been published due do my financial strength.
    I also just founded the ministry known as World Ecumenical Evangelical Fellowship Center ( W.E.E.F.C) AND Youths Evangelism Campaign Team World-wide ( Y.E.C.T.W )
    I someone to help publish my books, market and distribute and when these books sells well we cut the income by percentage.
    Or call +2348138762043

  170. Hi, I intend writing a nonfiction for teenagers which publisher is best and accept proposal and the first chapter of the book.

  171. Hi this is my first time writing I am writing a childrens book I want to know how can I get it published

  172. i have religion book and it has Seven chapter and 250 pages and in every page it has pictures my book cover page title is God’s Truth and i want to publish it very soon i want your help get me by my address tanks.

    • Hi, I may be able to help you with self-publishing. Take a look at our website This isn’t a spam post; we do a LOT of eBooks and Print on Demand for Christian Publishers. Our prices are very reasonable (can do a discount on print edition if you ask nicely!) and our customers are all very, very happy.

  173. I have Religion book i want to know how to publish my book my email

    • A lot of people are asking how to get their book published. A really effective way is to start with SELF PUBLISHED and if you like then you can approach a larger publisher and show them how well your book (or eBook if you want to do it at the lowest cost) has already sold. If your book already has a good track record then you’re more likely to impress.
      Take a look at our website, to see what we do – we’ve done hundreds and hundreds of Christian books.
      Our prices are really reasonable and if you say you saw this note on the Christian Writer’s Corner then I can do you a decent discount on a the typesetting of a print edition for you for Print On Demand 🙂

      Good luck with your writing everyone! Andy

  174. A great place to publish is Christian Faith Publishing (CFP). CFP is a full-service book publisher based and operated in the U.S. Our mission is to discover and market unknown Christian-based authors who aspire to craft the greatest spiritual impact imaginable via the written word.

    “Full service book publisher” means that we take care of every step of the publishing process (editing, page design (layout/typesetting), cover design, all forms of eBook conversions, full distribution through Ingram and Spring Arbor as well as marketing and publicity for two years.

    Take a look at our website or call toll free to speak with one of our Literary Agents (866-554-0919).

    • I’ve written so many book of which the manuscript of one of the books has been sent to West Brow but there is this challenge in the area of financing the publishing.
      So i need a system whereby the publisher take on the job, sale, market the book and all the formats and then deduct the cost from the income gradually.

      • Hi Jex,
        If cash is an issue (isn’t it always!) then there is the possibility that we can publish your book(s) in eBook form for you and it won’t cost a penny. Take a little look at : for a rough outline of what we can do or drop me a line at andy [at] oxford-ebooks [dot com] and I’ll see if we can help.

    • Hi Chris. I am writing a book on the Kingdom of God subject. First-time author. Need expert on the subject to assist in putting the book together. Need Publisher and probably full servisse.



  175. Hello,
    I took a picture of the clouds right after the blood Moon, and it is unbelievable. You can see God the father’s face and an angel of light and you can see a lot of demons in the sky. It really is unbelievable. I think that people need to see this and realize how much spiritual warfare is out there. This is something tangible that they could see…
    I sent this to a pastor at my church, and he forwarded it to our senior pastor, Jack Hibbs. I go to Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. Anyway, I really think somebody should see this.
    My phone number is 909-437-6742, and my name is Mary Beth Mikel.
    Thank you so much and God bless…

  176. Do you know The Brighter Light Poetry Publisher?

  177. Hi Chris! One of our authors recently brought my attention to your helpful website. Please do add our details on your list of Christian publishers. We publish around 30-50 carefully selected titles per year and distribute to Christian bookshops across the UK. We have a special focus on True Stories and children’s fiction, but we also publish Christian teaching, poetry, daily devotionals and much more. Our website is and our phone number is 01483-282706. We accepted unsolicited submissions, both fiction and non-fiction. Our address is 11 Nightingale Crescent, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT24 6PD.

  178. I am a new Christian author. I just self-published my first book and am looking for a publisher that does a lot of Christian Fiction. Who would you recommend contacting?

    My book is listed on Amazon and you can see the sample to get a better idea of what it is about.

    I appreciate any advice you can offer. Happy Thanksgiving.

  179. My novel is crying because its heart is broken. It’s a thrilling tale of standing for one’s beliefs during the time of Christian persecution in ancient Rome, starring fascinating characters such as: the slave master with the reputation for being one of the cruelest men in the Empire, the female gladiator who defies gender stereotypes and Russell Crowe myths, the heretic whose brother is a centurion seeking to restore his reputation after false accusations, the mysterious stranger who can never mind his own business, the slave involved in forbidden romance, and many more people adding to a unique cast. In this action-filled adventure of historical fiction, readers have the chance to experience ancient Roman culture rather than simply falling asleep holding a textbook or biography.

    All that being said, why is the novel crying? Nobody wants to read it. Any publisher that comes even remotely close to being interested charges through the nose. Poor homeless, unloved novel! It just wants to take its tale of imaginative excitement, combined with Christian values, somewhere it will be able to touch the minds and hearts of readers.

    I know. I know. “Writing is an art, but publishing is a business.” We’re all on this site because we all have our sob stories about novels with broken hearts.

    However, if someone knows a way to get Christian novels published without having to upfront a lot of money, I would certainly welcome any suggestions. If “Facing the Arena” finds a home, I have 3 other novels where that came from. If not, at least I know someone was interested in it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have finished reading this post.

    Merry Christmas, one and all!

    • Hello! I am very interested in your book. I am an editor offering affordable rates that also works with several small Christian publishing companies (tradition, not vanity-press, as well as several self-publishing mediums. Please send me an email at bethany@moderndaywordsmith and we can chat going forward! I look forward to hearing from you.


      Bethany Duarte
      Owner/Editor – Modern Day Wordsmith

      • I just sent one. I look forward to talking with you!

      • I am writing a book titled the “Righteous Government: The Kingdom of God” and need expert guidance.


      • Hello there, i tried to send to your email address but it say it’s wrong. bethany@moderndaywordsmith is wrong help me with your email address..

      • My apologies, I was writing that on my phone and it left off the .com. My email is

        Please send your information there and we can chat further!

      • Dear Sir/Ma’am

        Did you find my information, i send it to you last week. I want to chat to you i have any interest story that i write title ”Being found.” before i was saved, things that happen in my life and around because i was lost somewhere i don’t know, in a darkest night with no moon. Pains and strugglings that push to committ suicid but God was there.”

        The story begens when i was in my mothers wob upto 26 years of my life. The story proves how much God is powerfull and that he sees everywhere in the world, every mankind can be born again.

        Yours sincerely L.Phothani

  180. Merry Christmas and welcome to the club–Traditional publishers are hard to get to read your work-The only other publisher that will do it fairly cheaply is American Star books–they publish your book, then you buy what you want and find a few book stores near you to put them on their shelf (you charge what you want and keep the money). You may never see any money from the publisher and a lot of people complain about them and have even tried to sue them. But it is a place to start and fine tune your work. They do have advertising that you buy at a low price if you want it–you can say no and not answer your e-mail from them describing what advertising they are doing. For instance, if they advertise on Facebook and have all their Facebook friends (20,000 people) get a first look at the book and its cover, and I believe they advertised it for $39 dollars. That is just a sample and you do have to be careful or you WILL spend a lot of money and like myself who is an 81 year old writer $50 dollars is a lot of money.
    Check them out and read everything and then check on the net—-Problems with that polisher. You should do it with any publisher before jumping in which I did not do with two of my earlier books and it cost me an arm and a leg.
    Best wishes on your future and I do hope you will find a publisher (Traditional is the best IF THEY WILL PUBLISH your work.
    Grampa Ed

  181. Thanks for the advice.

    • See my post above! I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  182. I write poetry and dhrt stoties about my life

  183. Thank you for this resource. Do you have any information on Christian Faith Publishing?

  184. Dear Sir/Ma’m

    I’m Luthando Phothani from South Africa, a 26 year old christian. i am a born again child of God.

    I’m a write but i don’t know what to do i have a novel that i have just write last year. So i still have it in me, i write to you requesting help.

    I hope that my request will find a favourable consideration.


  185. Evangelical publisher:

  186. I would like to speak to someone about possibly writing a book. The reason I’m thinking about doing this is I was asked to speak at a non prophet event banquet…it touched so many lives and my story had made the event the most financial success they have had in history.

    • Hi Lisa! I would love to talk to you. I’m an editor and have helped a number of authors get their books written and either traditionally published or self-published. Feel free to email me at
      – Bethany Duarte

    In this one world, there is two world
    inside it: one world of
    different evil spirit and the world of
    human being, which
    co-exist as the same one world we
    are living. still our one
    world, Just one is spiritual, after I
    became born again God
    redeemed me have been living in
    the two worlds at the
    same timei.e. Living in flesh in
    human world and in spirit in
    the spiritual world, the world of all
    the evil spirit is also
    where all the spirit in humans is
    also open to and our own
    world where we see where human
    flesh is living, I live in
    the both world simultaneously, in
    flesh and in spirit, how
    God has redeemed me after I
    became born again, how
    have been living my own personal
    life every single day
    seeing and knowing all that has been happening
    to human spirit in the
    spiritual world as I live as a spirit
    and as human in human
    world, when the gift was given to
    me, I first run crazy,
    month after month I got use to it, I
    got more stronger,
    more stronger and have lived like
    every other humans
    without been noticed that I live in
    two world, each and
    every months, the gift became more
    powerful, God blessed
    me more gifts, spiritual wisdom,
    discerning of spirit, gift of
    knowledge and allot of messages
    what I must do with all
    the gifts I was bless, I am to review
    the meaning of Book
    of Revelation, for everyone to know
    the true meaning, and
    everything it says, to write and
    report all that is happening
    presently in the two world to the
    people of the world, this
    book must be the book of truth,
    everything I must write
    must be the truth.
    have reviewed the meaning of book
    of Revelation… it been so difficult to
    publish it due to my financial
    statues …have kept my gift secret till the right time to tell, I have the full meaning and review book of Revelation I am to review with me, if any publisher want to
    help you can contact me on

  188. Wow! This is a great resource site, seems it may help me narrow down my search.

    I wrote a book and finished it last year, titled “The Gospel Essentials II”. It comprises 15 Gospel chapters on a number of Gospel principles and an appendix, all totaling to 500 pages in A5 size. The book clarifies a number of issues that different denominations have got wrong. Most publishers out there are inclined on specific denominational beliefs so they may not be willing to publish it; but all in all, it aims to clarify the Gospel as it is in scripture. Dear Site Author, or anyone out there, is there any suggestions by which I can easily get this book published? Thanks.

  189. I would love to submit my book here

  190. I have written a children’s book which is the first in a series of the books. I would like to know if I should have it Illustrated, even crudely, before submitting it to anybody. I would also like to know in a series book line, should I have more than the first book for review? Could you please advise.

    • Hi,
      this is an hold post but I just want to let you know that I can illustrate your books if you are interested. I currently am illustrating one of my books. Let me know if you are interested. Children’s books must be illustrated. 🙂 Bye

  191. my daughter has written christianitybased thriller. i amlooking for publishers in India to publish the same

  192. Already posted on 2 may 2016

  193. I have already posted on 2,may 2016
    I repeat again.with some more details
    I am from India.
    I was teaching art in high schools early in my career.
    I then served the Christian Literature Society fro nearly thirty years.
    I associated with a friend who acted as Jesus Christ and also produced a movie and TV serial in the regional languages of South India.
    I have brought out five paintings on the lives of Jesus Christ, Paul, Joseph,Moses and David compiling sequences from the Bible portions.
    I have designed five books based on my paintings.
    Each books contains a digital print out of the painting and each sequence cut and pasted with serial numbers with blank spaces. Theses five books can be used in Sunday schools,VBS, Bible study groups and also as quiz to search and find the relevant verses from the Bible portions covered by the paintings and fill in the blank spaces. The list of key verses are available with each book for verification.
    The books are pictorial and could be brought out in any language without much difficulty.
    The five books could be used as five projects in sheet form by engaging an individual or groups.
    My paintings can be viewed visiting yessy art gallery-Rajaratnam-Go.
    I am looking for an International publisher.

  194. Check this Christian writer website.

  195. I am seeking your attention and assistance in getting my book title
    published my title is called “Life’s unseeming trespasses”

    It is in electronic form now but can also be purchase in hard copy at

    I have an ISBN number from the national library Lagos , Nigeria. It a
    christian based literature and it would be a blessing to be accepted
    for publishing. It is an end time related document with 12 chapter.

    Life’s unseeming trespasses talks about common abuses that are
    overlooked by humanity and seeming taken for granted, things we can
    change but do not attempt to because either our traditions, cultures
    and religions induce such abuses so it is easily overlooked, for
    thousands of years mankind has been offending, nature, women, children
    and men all for the primary sake of having dominion over his kind and
    other living thing. The economical benefits of trespassing others has
    seemingly made encroaching other people territory and life a common
    event that is easily forgotten after the news is cast. The readers of
    the book will be reminded of his or her ability to create change with
    positive energies, God has given us all talents for the benefiting of
    humanity and when we use it right we will make changes that are
    positive and expose those ills committed in society under the guise of
    traditions, culture and religion.

  196. The Kirkdale Press link seems to be broken

  197. Sorry, not Kirkdale but Rainbow!

  198. Thank you for the list. Looking for publisher with interest in read-aloud adventure story that incorporates God’s Word and uses photographs of my well-trained dogs. Excellent photos/costumes.

  199. I am Patrick
    A PhD student missionary from Ghana leaving, studying and doing ministry in China. Got a scholarship to pursue my PhDin Australia after my Masters in China. To my surprise the Lord told me stay because LIGHT SHINES BRIGHTER WHERE THERE IS MORE DARKNESS. My experience and understanding in being a light in this dark generations is now a book … DARE TO SHINE. am done with the book and need a publisher.

  200. I am a christian, our church has one book need to be translated from English or Chinese to German. We want find some agency to translate and proofread, i don’t know this request is right or not, i only hope get help from one publisher or somebody. Please give us some advice.Thanks

  201. I have published a book with Antioch Christian publishing but now that the deal is complete the publisher Lisa Harris Corbitt has vanished without a telephone trace.

  202. My dad is in England and looking for Christian children’s magazines that accept international submissions. Does anyone know if one has to be based in the U.S. to submit to Focus on the Family?

  203. Hi,
    i’m a christian italian girl who is looking for a job as a book traslator. I worked for a couple of years for the UEB european publisher. I was traslating english christian book to italian and I would like to find other publishers that have the same need. I’m currently in the Usa to spend time with my husband’s family and we are going to stay here for several months. Please let me know if you are a publisher that need an italian translator or if you know one. you can contact me directly on my email adress: Thank you

  204. Please add Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. to your list. Great company. I just finished their new website:

  205. I am a Christian and have written a novella on travel stories. It is not overtly evangelical, but obviously being a Christian, it is clean and I do talk somewhat about the Lord and prayer. I am thinking that Christian bookstores may be more likely to purchase my book than secular. Any suggestions of a publishing company I could present my manuscript to?

  206. I have developed (and self-published) a Bible Study/Journal/Adult Coloring Book titled “Blessed Be . . . Journaling Thru the Beatitudes – with Illustrations to Color.” I am interested in submitting to an established publisher to improve my market reach (I suck at marketing, myself!). Any suggestions would be welcome! Thanks . . .

  207. I am looking for a publisher for my book title
 “Reasons People Leave Churches” part one and two.
    It has forty-eight chapters in all with an ISBN number from the South African National Library, Pretoria. It is life transforming, engaging and highly informative.
    Please if you are interested in publishing or translating it in other languages, please drop me an email with;

  208. I am looking to help a beginning author get his poetry published. This author is my brother-in-law and has just recently started writing wonderful poems.

  209. I am looking to help a beginning author get his poetry published. This author is my brother-in-law and has just recently started writing wonderful poems.

  210. […] put my novel away–the one I completed and marketed to Christian publishers. I took it apart and tried to rewrite it for the secular market. It’s the one that was […]

  211. I’m looking for somebody who will helps and publish my book in canada.

  212. Notion Press is No.1 self-publishing company offering high quality publishing services to authors and publishers around the globe. If you want to publish your book at affordable price. Visit –

  213. Hi. I would like information on who can i contact to write a book for me from my life experiences to change young generations lives. I am 33 i have suffered my whole life from sexual abuse to physical abuse to divorce even drugs ive had heart attack and heart ablations when my faith was the weakest god brought me out of it. Ive went into cardiac arrest and prayed out loud and god saved me right there on the spot. i have a powerful testimony that will make an amazing book. I can be found on facebook under jennifer nicole from bolivar tennessee my email is currently not working if intrested in helping me please message me. Thank u

    • Talk to Jim Vander Spek. He is the author of Overcoming Lust and is very experienced in the self-publishing area. You can connect directly with him through his website: God bless you.

  214. CKN Christian Publishing is accepting manuscripts in the Christian Genre:

  215. Aqui você encontra os melhores!

  216. We are currently considering unsolicited manuscripts too.

  217. I found your website via a google search for Christian publishers.

    I recently looked at a Christian book (Billy Graham: A Tribute, published by Kindle) and very soon noticed 4 errors in the first 6 lines of one page that any self-respecting proof-reader would have corrected.

    That book is not one of yours, but, as I’ve been teaching English and French (as Foreign Languages) for 45 years and am now semi-retired, I’d like to do proof-reading for a company like yours.

    I believe that all the homework I’ve marked over the years has given me enough experience of correcting mistakes for me to do an excellent job.

    If you have no need of a new proof-reader, have you got any advice for me? For example, do you still use proof-readers?

    Thanks for your help.

    Hugh Burney (Epsom, Surrey)

  218. My name is Nelisa from South Africa. I have two Christian manusctripts one for children between 6-12 years titled FAITH OF A LITTLE SOULand the other one for Teenagers it’s even entitled TEENAGERS ON THE MOVE . I also have a script titled THE NAKED WILL. Please who ever is reading this if you have any help for me to be published besides self publishing please help my number is 0818862331/ email me please I need help.

  219. My new web project:

  220. Hello,
    My name is Frank.
    Thanks for the great work you are doing here.
    I have written and edited a couple of books and now I decided to find any publisher who will kindly work with me and lets send this message to the nations.
    One of the books is titled (THE UGLY FACE OF PORNOGRAPHY).
    It is a critical look into the endtime invasion of the sodomic movement, the lure, addiction, dangers and freedom from porn.
    Can you please link me with publishers with this kind of interest at heart?

  221. There are many who are accepting unsolicited manuscripts but are vanity publishers asking for upfront money. Which one of these are traditional.

  222. It can be a little frustrating to deal with busy publishers. We produce print and eBooks for a number of Christian publishers, but most relevant here, we also work with independent Christian Authors (and others) to help them self-publish. We’re NOT expensive, we DO care about our customers and we’ll help you at every stage. If you’re thinking about self-publishing then do please drop by our website, read the testimonials, drop us a line – we’re very flexible in the wat we work. Blessings.

  223. On can check with ChristianWorldImprints.Com, a leading publisher from South Asia. They have published lots of books of Indian and foreign authors.

  224. I am often to blogging and that i actually appreciate your posts. This article has truly peaks my interest. I am going to bookmark your internet site and keep checking for first time data.

  225. We are a small indie press taking submissions:
    Arabelle Publishing is dedicated to glorifying God by celebrating life through stories that reveal His grace and love. We publish high-quality, non-fiction books that INSPIRE, IMPACT & INSTRUCT. We bring communities and cultures together by celebrating regional history, and the beauty found in the lives of ordinary people who impact the communities in which they live. We are currently accepting QUERY submissions for 2020 publication. Although we will consider all great books, we are specifically accepting queries for Health & Wellness books that are biblical based, Christian Living, Bible Studies, and Devotionals.

    We are a traditional publisher and do not charge to publish books! First-time authors are welcome to submit a query.

  226. We’re a small company in Oxford, England that specialises in Digital Publishing, producing eBooks as well as typesetting and publishing assistance for independent authors as well as larger publishers such as Christian Focus, The David Pawson Ministry and many others. We’d like to offer our services to anyone that might find the technical aspects of producing their eBooks and printed books difficult or time consuming. Our prices are very reasonable, we have excellent references and are well known for our customer care and attention to detail. Feel free to see our references and get in touch if you would like help with your publishing.
    Thanks for reading and have a great day

  227. Very good post. I’m facing some of these issues as well..

  228. Dear Sir/Madam,
    With due respect to you, we are sorry for any inconveniences or embarrassment our letter of assistance may have caused you.
    Hello, My name is Cynthia Ormah, I run a Humanitarian Organisation/Orphanage home that caters for Children who have no homes.
    The name of My organization is VOLUNTARILY SAVE A CHILD ORPHANAGE, based in the city of Lancs ,Belgume. we came together few years ago to set up this foundation (VOLUNTARILY SAVE A CHILD ORPHANAGE), with the aim of catering for needy Children,and giving them a new sense of belonging ,we give them a new future,which they taught they have lost finally.God had been so good, and our Orphanage work has been growing steadily this past few years.
    We have been able to build Orphanage home in South Africa, we have set up a catering center for the children in Ecuador.We are set to do even more in Africa now, since there have been increase in the number of children suffering from negligence and abuse in Africa.

    If God touches your heart and you want to help this children kindly contact us via Email:

    direct contact/Whatsapp telephone number: +31-6861-85943
    Thanks for you understanding
    Cynthia Ormah

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    • Edward: If you need any help getting your books published and on sale, drop me a line and I’ll see how we can help. We do a LOT of books for Christian publishers.You can get in touch on the contact form of our site all the best! ::)

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  234. Thanks for keeping Cladach Publishing on your list. We occasionally accept unsolicited mss. We don’t promise a prompt reply, though. Several here have noted that the link to our site is broken. Here is a new link: https://cladach. com/authors/

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